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- FLTI letter to JRCL - 14/06/2010


Buenos Aires, June 14th in 2010

Dear Comrades of JRCL,

We write this letter with an urgent character. Despite all the water the treacherous leaderships have thrown on the revolutionary fire of the masses; the working class and world exploited under terrible sufferings have begun to fight and this fact poses before the revolutionaries huge duties we cannot avoid. We cannot ask for more to the world working class that here and there is present in the revolutionary combats. In each of these combats it is under question the times for the road towards the inter-imperialist war if imperialism achieves to defeat the working class. For this purpose, imperialism has concentrated the forces of the world counterrevolution with the Fifth International under one single command to apply new defeats and demoralization to the masses of the world. Facing this fact, the revolutionaries cannot continue in isolation. Let’s centralize the forces of the militant workers organizations and revolutionaries of the world to confront and disperse them!

Dear comrades we want to reflect with you on two central questions that the re-grouping of reformism is pointing out. As we have already informed you, at the beginning of May the “Summit Meeting of people in Madrid” has been convened where the European mandelism and SWP-Callinicos in the “Forum of the European and Latin American Anti-Capitalist Left” centralized their forces like left wing of the Fifth International together with the governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia. In such Summit, Bensancenot of the French ANP was acute as regards which the program of the anti-capitalist left was: a “strong EU”, that is, the supporter of the imperialist EU, plunderer of the people of the world, killer of the people of Africa, Asia, Latin America and East Europe. Thus, these social imperialist parties voted to be under the discipline of European Stalinism to siege and isolate the fight of the Greek masses and prevent the revolutionary general strike all around Europe so that the revolution starts and sends the European Union of the imperialist butchers to the garbage of history.

After only a month since such Summit in Madrid, as continuity of that “Counter-Summit”, we saw again in Brazil the forces of reformism gathered. First, in CONCLAT (Congress of the working class) convened in June 4th and 5th in the city of Santos. This was convened by the morenists of PSTU-LIT (Conlutas)and mandelist of PSOL (Intersindical). Such a congress called in the name of “unity” provoked enthusiasm in layers of the militant worker vanguard who sent delegates to the meeting seeking for a road to confront Lula government, CUT bureaucracy (Unique Central of workers) and the Social Pact regime. But this enthusiasm disappeared very soon.  

Both organizations voted the same reformist program of action where the Independence of the workers organizations from the State and its compulsory conciliations never existed, neither existed the rejection of the discount of the compulsory union fees, nor the fight for the direct democracy, nor that the leaders come back to work at the end of their mandate nor the call on workers to break with the Social Pact by confronting it with the General Strike. Despite having a common program, with the excuse of fighting each other on how the name the new central union should be- a new central union that would emerge of the “unification” between Conlutas and Intersindical- the morenist and mandelist broke up the congress. This showed they were for neither any congress of effective unity, nor classist congress nor anti-bureaucrat congress nor the international unity of workers. It was a split based on who controlled the apparatus of the new state-zing central union they were about to create. This led layers of the vanguard to demoralization who abandoned the congress shouting out bravely that they are “the pelega left” (the left of the bureaucracy). It was clear that the congress convened by PSTU-LIT and PSOL was an agreement of “unity” by the top among the left bureaucracy that had as objective to be a new and superior contention wall to prevent any process of split on the part of vanguard layers with the Lula government and CUT bureaucracy, and for the Brazilian proletariat not to take the internationalist tasks and continue the road of the industrial workers of La Paz of Bolivia that confront the popular front government of Evo Morales and the collaborationist bureaucracy of COB.

What showed till the end what we affirmed above is the fact that 24 hours after such split, the mandelists and morenists and … Chukaku-ha gathered together in the “International Meeting” of CONCLAT where they voted again a program in common as if nothing would have happened.
In that “International Meeting” were present 300 leaders and militants of those parties under the leadership of the morenist LIT and mandelist of PSOL with a “star” invited to participate: Chukaku-ha. In that meeting were present workers organizations such as Batay Ouvriere of Haiti, the coordinating union -coordinadora sindical- of Ecuador, the coordinating meeting for the resistance of Honduras- Coordinadora por la resistencia-, The union coordinating meeting and leaders of judges of Colombia, TCC of Uruguay, the Union Coordinating Meeting of Paraguay- Mesa Coordinadora sindical de Paraguay- UNT of Venezuela, FEJUVE of El Alto and union of industrial workers of La Paz-both of Bolivia- and a representative of the unions of Public servant workers of Greek; and the renegades of Trotskyism of LIT at worldwide level, UIT, Corriente Roja of Spain, MST of Argentina, French ANP, Socialist Action of USA and PSOL of Brazil with its two factions.

In that meeting of the European, US and Japanese social imperialists together with the morenists of LIT that from the left bureaucracies backs the Bolivarian governments and Obama voted a program of “for capitalists to pay for the crisis”, “active solidarity with Greece”, “Withdrawal of the troops from Haiti”, “Boycott against Israel and out Israel from Gaza and the West Bank” and “To fight against the criminalization of the protest and social movements”. As you can see they voted an abstract program of solidarity in general, without any action that attacks the imperialist assets while Obama and US imperialism keep and re-double their offensive against the world exploited in Afghanistan, Iraq, Honduras, Haiti, and Africa, continue massacring immigrants in the frontiers with Mexico and are ready to do the same in North Korea. This meeting raised up the policy of Turkish imperialism in Palestine of “Out Israel from Gaza and the West Bank” that is the other side of the same rope to strangle the fight of the Palestinian masses for the destruction of the State of Israel and to impose “the two-State solution” of imperialism and guarantee the survival of the Zionist gendarme to control the counterrevolution device in the entire Middle East as it is posed in the “road map” and “Oslo agreements”
Against this policy, a left wing of this congress was expressed bravely through the leaders of FeJuVe and industrial workers of Bolivia. These organizations travelled to Brazil because they seek for the international unity to confront their own bourgeoisie. For that reason, they put a motion to call on all the workers organizations present in the congress to fight against the Bolivarian bourgeoisies and their counterrevolutionary pacts in the entire continent.

This left wing in this meeting is the expression of the industrial workers of La Paz that in their struggle for work, salary and decent pension have rose up in a civil war against the anti-workers pacts that give the best lands, hydrocarbons and minerals to fascism and imperialism, while the working class and poor peasants live in the misery in El Altiplano, they are starving and under the repression of the popular front of Evo Morales. The industrial workers of La Paz marched with the dynamite in their hands to kick out the bureaucrats from the organizations. They conquered in that way the national stoppage in Bolivia despite their leaderships, but again they were left in isolation and at the mercy of the attack by the gunmen of the popular front and its caste of army-officials. The expropriated revolution by bolivarians revives in such combat of the industrial workers of La Paz who were the vanguard/forefront together with the mining workers of the revolution started in 2003, and imperialism, popular front and treacherous leaderships that support both of them are aware of this fact.

To these motions posed by the Bolivian organizations, the morenists, mandelists and Chukaku-ha responded that the fight against the “bolivarians” was not in their plans and they rejected the motion by unanimity.
They are conscious that an appeal of this kind in the whole continent will stand up millions of exploited and revive the fight of US proletariat submitted to Obamamania. As they voted in Madrid, they have to prevent the re-opening of revolution in Latin America and the synchronization of the proletariat of the colonies and semi-colonies with the fight of the imperialist countries, above all Greece. In that way, they covered the backs of the General staff of imperialism to defeat masses in Europe while the monopolies with anti-workers pacts throughout the continent guarantee for themselves super profits that allow them leave the crisis behind.  
 They are afraid like it would be a plague to  convene a workers congress of international unity to break with the bourgeoisie and its pacts, fight against the popular fronts, fight for the expropriation of expropriators, the sliding scale of wages and labor hours, the workers councils and armament of masses, fight for the workers and peasant governments; an international congress that calls to defeat the plan of dismissals of 1 million workers of the clique of Castro in Cuba by the political revolution, to fight for international brigades, weapons, medicine, and munitions for the Palestinian resistance to break the siege and re-take the combat in the whole Middle East for the expelling of the invasion troops and for the destruction of the fascist-Zionist State of Israel; an international congress that calls for the general strike in Europe and the overthrowing of all the governments, and develops an internationalist program to unify in a single revolution the entire Asian proletariat.

They are afraid of the situation of Far East- like it would be a plague- after the combats of Thailand; the preventive withdrawal of the Hatoyama government resulting of the mobilizations of the Japanese working class against the US military bases; the beginning of the revolts for bread and against the restorationist dynasty of   Kim Ming Sun in North Korea and the sound of the war drums that US and Japanese imperialisms are beating.  The great mass resistance and worker struggle in China like in the factory Honda, like the tragedy of the suicides of the workers who resist their slavery in the factories of Bell and Hewlett Packard in the South whose products are assembled by the Taiwan Foxxcon.
These events are announcing that under harsh sufferings the battalions of the Asian proletariat such as the Chinese working class but above all the North Korea one are about to enter into the class struggle, like yesterday in Tonghua and Lingzhou.
Huge revolts of the North Korean working class are taking place continuously against the massive robbery of the people’s savings propelled by the restorationist bureaucracy or new bourgeoisie of that country and the huge cost of living expressed in the generalized starvation of the masses. Such revolts, together with the Chinese and Japan working class’ combats already announce that the Asian working class is doomed to play a role of vanguard in the combat of the world proletariat.

The war drums echo by US and Japanese imperialisms from South Korea is announcing the imperialist powers’ and Asian bourgeoisies’ (like the one of China) panic of an upsurge of the working class of North Korea that puts into question the existence of the parallel 38, with which the Stalinist and Maoist bureaucracy prevented the advance of the revolution towards South Korea in 1952.
The military preparations of the imperialist bandits and the South Korea bourgeoisie are not against the rotten slavers of the gang of Kim Ming Sun in North Korea, but due to panic that once again like in the post war the militant working class of North Korea- today in starvation- rises up setting on fire the whole peninsula of Korea.

We must not forget nor even for an instant that the slavers of North Korea sell out the Korean workers per 1 dollar as commission to the US and Japanese maquilas-sweat shops- in partnership with the Chinese mandarins established in the frontiers with China. They do the same on the parallel 38 -south frontier with South Korea where as a manpower agency the slavers of North Korea earn for the commissions in exchange of selling out North Korea workers to maquilas that belong to Taiwan and English companies. The North Korean workers are one of the most exploited working class in the world.
It is not rare for us that under this situation with the imperialisms of USA, England, or Japan plundering and enslaving the Chinese and Korean working class through their maquilas are in excellent conditions to impose a brutal blackmail on the Japanese working class by plunging their salary and provoking the biggest unemployment and slavery conditions since the post war.

It is not surprising for us since with the plundering of China, the imperialist bandits have plunged the salary of the whole working class at worldwide level. All the reformists and renegades of Trotskyism now- after years with more than 250.000 revolts of the exploited masses for land and against the plundering of the imperialist powers, after that the Tonghua and Lingzou entrepreneurs’ heads rolled- announce that “the Chinese proletariat has entered like a decisive battalion of the class struggle”. During these last years they tried to keep it in silent and when they could not do so, because the elephant got into their bathroom, such reformists have no choice and must recognize it while sending Chukaku-ha to try to tame it as we will see bellow.
The whip of capital is plunging the whole Asian working class into harsh conditions of misery and slavery. It is time that the conscious workers get unified their revolutionary organizations. 


Their leaderships are the ones who prevent the real fight centralization of the proletariat from Japan to Korea and from Korea to China. None proletariat of Asia will survive by their own separately country by country.
The role of Stalinism selling out China to the capitalist restoration and to the imperialist powers’ plundering is already evident before the eyes of the proletariat. The collaboration of Stalinism with the imperialist bourgeois governments of Japan has discredited it before the eyes of the best of the working class of that country.
The selling out of the working class of Vietnam and North Korea to the biggest slavery as never before in those countries, encourages us, the internationalist Trotskyists, to affirm what Trotsky already said in relation to the German Communist Party after the victory of fascism: “the German proletariat will rise up again, the German Communist Party of that country never will do so!”. And today we affirm without fear of being mistaken that: The Vietnam and Chinese proletariat  will rise up again, but Stalinism, slavers of the very working class for the sake of the world bourgeoisie never will do so! And this fact imposes on us and you-internationalist Trotskyists of Japan- huge duties before the working class. Because of we are saying, and because your Japanese imperialism is one of the plunderers of the world oppressed people in alliance with the counterrevolutionary US imperialist gangs.

We have already seen in the revolts of Thailand, in the Indo-China peninsula, that hundreds of Japanese maquilas /sweat shops- that pay the peasants taken away from their lands 3 dollars per day like they do in North Korea or China- have re-localized their companies seeking for more and more slave labor force in the Pacific. This is a great blackmail against the Japanese working class. The vital need of unity of the Asian and international working class has come.


By anticipating themselves to these processes, the forces of reformism of the World Social Forum, and the Fifth International under the command of Hu Jintao, and the Chávezes and the restorationist Cuban or Vietnamese bureaucracy have re-activated a Chukaku-ha as a kind of clockwork at world wide level. This current that speaks on behalf the Japanese working class, today hold up in USA the “ Left” bureaucracy of the dock workers unions of Oakland. A left bureaucracy that submitted the working class and movement against the war to Obama in USA, as well as Chukaku-ha backs/supports the Seoul Regional Council of KCTU –Korean Confederations of Trade Unions-. Chukaku-ha that yesterday vindicated Ho Chi Minh and the Stalinist bureaucracy of Vietnam and their “Prolonged popular war” (that resulted in …a prolonged torment for the Vietnamese working class, today sold out to imperialism), now tries to wash its dirty clothes by disguising as Trotskyist, in order to deceive better the international and Japanese proletariat.

Their agreements with the renegades of Trotskyism in Europe and at continental level are decisive since Chukaku-ha is ready to play in Japan and Asian continent the same traitor and social-imperialist role played by the pablists of the European  New Anti-capitalist Parties or morenists, mandelists and other renegades of Trotskyism facing the Latin American revolution.
Chukaku-ha has travelled to Brazil in an agreement with LIT to play that role at international level, in Japan and the whole Asia. We are attaching to this letter Chukaku-ha‘s statement launched in such international meeting where all the “left wing” of the Fifth International and world Social Forum was present whose objective is nothing more than to tie the hands, demoralize, and corrupt the best and most militant of the world proletariat to save the left pockets of capitalists in bankruptcy. All of them have been centralized at international level to be the firefighters of the revolutionary struggle of world proletariat.

They want to export this new device of contention of revolution from Europe and Latin America to Asia. Teruoka Seiichi as executive member of Doro-Chiba, called on everybody to join them in an international meeting in November in Tokyo. Chukaku-ha has denied itself, as its reformist buddies from the West, to propel any single struggle for equal work, for equal salary for the Japanese and Asian proletariat against the imperialist monopolies and their servant governments. The working class of Japan and the exploited of Asia are paying very expensive for this politic on the part of the social imperialists of Chukaku-ha in Japan, servants of Stalinism! To confront the crisis the Japanese working class must tie its fate to the one of their enslaved brothers of China, Korea and the whole Indo-China peninsula!

Comrades of the JRCL, we know what Chukaku-ha is capable of doing if it is imposed a siege on the masses that are entering into combat in Asia and the international isolation of the revolutionaries in Japan and in that region. That is why we want to warn you on the danger the struggling masses have ahead, the revolutionaries of the world and you first of all.

Dear comrades, you told us in our meetings that if treacherous organizations like WSF –which destroyed workers vanguard in Latin America and USA- centralize in Japan and Asia, you will be ready to enter into combat to prevent it. It is time and we want to combat with you. Our comrades held meeting with leaders and rank and file of workers organizations in Bolivia that propel the call to break with the bourgeoisie to set up Latin American and Bolivian revolutions. We tell you in advance that the result of such meeting was to agree a public appeal to convene such congress with a program of internationalist action. On Tuesday there will be a meeting with the rank and file that will re affirm the axes of the appeal.

Throughout this appeal will be included the fight against the popular fronts, against the submission of the working class to the bourgeoisie and the “imperialist democratic fronts” with which they tie the working class and their life to their killers. It will be a call to stand up the international working class, to break with the siege and walls of opprobrium and slavery that torment the working class and the Palestinian masses. It will be a call to put them on feet together with the working class of Greek and Europe to smash that den of thieves of Maastricht by starting the revolution. It will also be a call to defeat the reformist leaderships and castrism that in USA –while they are preparing the capitalist restoration in Cuba- tied the fate of the US working class to the killer Obama.


Comrades of the JRCL we propose you that from the workers and students organizations of the vanguard that you influence or led, take this motion into your own hands and head this combat together with Bolivian workers, to organize an international congress of workers organizations who want to fight the bourgeoisie and the leadership that submit them. Let’s fight together, as the banners that you gave to the FLTI in the 47th Antiwar Assembly say! We have to regroup internationalist vanguard of the working class and defeat the social-imperialists of the People Summit Meeting and International Meeting of Santos, Brazil!


Let`s together set up a motion to the entire world working class: let’s oppose to the congress called by Chukaku-ha and all the renegades of Trotskyism in Asia to strangle the heroic combats of the Chinese , Japanese proletariat , an International Congress of the revolutionary workers organizations and Internationalist Marxist currents, as we proclaim ourselves-the healthy forces of the international Trotskyist movement!
With that international grouping, you and we will be in unbeatable conditions –because we have in our hands the clean banners of international socialist revolution- to invite the rebel workers of Tonghua and Lingzou, Foxxcom and Honda of China to participate in this congress. Thus, together we can untie the hands of the North Korean working class and break with the siege they have, against the killers of Kim Ming Sun and US, Japanese, and South Korean killers and against the slavers Chinese mandarins. 


Comrades of JRCL, a huge movement of the social-imperialist parties in the central countries of Europe, USA, and Japan has been set up to strangle the revolutionary emerging of the proletariat of the central countries. As yesterday, their role was to siege the revolutionary processes and anti-imperialist national wars, like in Middle East, Palestine, Bolivia, Argentina, and Africa; today their role is to submit the working class of the central countries who are being brutally attacked in Washington, Madrid, Athens, Tokyo, Berlin and Paris to their own imperialist bourgeoisie.
We cannot allow it! You and we have internationalist duties with the world working class! It is time we assume our historical duties. It is time we launch a call to provoke a new grouping of the international working class in a superior level by unifying workers organizations of Japan, Bolivia, America and Africa and raising a revolutionary program. We are against the clock. The time has come.


Comrades of the JRCL the siege that are preparing to defeat the working class and isolate the revolutionaries of the world must be defeated. The times of national isolation of revolutionary groups must end, as you say in your last letter, let’s win the world for revolution. We have to gathered together the forces of revolutionaries and disperse the forces of reformism. Any delay we have in carry on a fight for the internationalist unity of the working class, we will pay for it with wars, higher sufferings of the masses and fifth column attacking revolutionaries.

Before such centralization of the reformists against the masses and revolutionaries of the world, we can’t stay a minute longer fighting separated. We need to coordinate urgently with you to discuss how to carry on this immediate combat. Nothing can stop it!

With internationalist revolutionary greetings.
International Coordination Secretariatof the FLTI






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